Well, it could've been worse! 1.6 pounds gone. I suppose I should do a happy dance and be super excited that it went down not up or down not the same BUT I am still disappointed. I ate really well this whole week, could've been more active though. I will say that it could be because ladies tend to get bloated every so often about once a month, right ladies? It's interesting to me that for many of us, good isn't good enough. I could also come up with a billion different reasons why I didn't do better but I shouldn't. I am now 11.2 pounds lighter than I came into this journey and for that I am grateful. I am also thankful for a support system that just won't quit- even when I might want them to.
I was at a party this past weekend and I was discussing with my friend's husband how difficult it is to be healthy and to lose weight. To my surprise, he talked about having the same struggle. I know I am not the only serial yo yo dieter out there but it was nice to know that others around me have been able to navigate through the rough waters.
One of my ways to cope is to buy self help books about weight loss. I feel comforted by others personal journeys. These are just a small sampling of what I have in my repertoire. Please, feel free to ask me for one or all of these books and I'll send them to you- free for the taking. Carnie Wilson's I'm still Hungry caught my eye this morning. Maybe because I am usually still hungry, or maybe its a feeling that I mistake for hunger? I'm still not sure, but it's almost always there. I think about what thin people might do when they go out to lunch or dinner- I think about all the people who are able to eat half of what's on their plates. I, for one have never been able to do that. I eat everything on the plate, even if I know it's more than one serving. I do envy those that can stop themselves from eating further because they know they've had enough. It's something I hope I can do in the future. My Mom brought some pizza over this weekend and I immediately opted for something else in the fridge that didn't have an ambiguous point value. Why? I'm not ready yet. I know with pizza I can't have just one piece, so I will allow myself some time to deal with those temptations. Not just yet.
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