Tuesday, April 7, 2015

It's only failure if you don't learn from it

I haven't written in a while because I've been a little busy with travel and family commitments. I will say that Disney was an absolute dream and I am so thankful to my parents for taking my whole family there for a week of fun. That being said, I fell off the wagon. It started with my Birthday, I let myself enjoy the things that I really like; eggs Benedict, birthday cake. Then I let it go on until I left for vacation and then once in Disney, all hell broke loose. I ate like it was my last meal for the first two days but then was sick from not being used to that and not having my medication with me. I scaled it back but still ate way beyond what I should have. I kept telling myself that I was walking so much that it didn't matter what I ate and I knew it wasn't true, but I used that excuse nonetheless. When I returned home, it was time for Easter so I once again indulged in things I shouldn't have. However, I was selective about the candy and ate my annual cadberry egg and Easter colored m&ms. I left it at that. Next day, I went to weight watchers and weighed in. I knew it wouldn't be good, just didn't know exactly where the scale would be. I gained 3 pounds and you know what? I thought it would be worse, so I'll take this opportunity to jump back on the wagon and hopefully I'll lose the 3 I gained. This is but a minor set back and I can persevere through this. I thought more deeply about my decisions this time and made better choices than I would have, I knew in the moment I was choosing the wrong path but at least I'm stopping here and working my way back up. 3 pounds isn't the end of the world and believe me when I say it could have been much, much worse. Especially with all the buffets that were included on our Disney dining plan. It's Tuesday and although I went a little over my points yesterday, I am on track today and did the first day of the 21 fix exercises with a great, supportive friend. I have had a couple of family occasions the past couple days and saw people that I hadn't seen in a while. Years and up to even months ago, I would have told you that I was too embarrassed to go to things because I didn't want people to see me this way. I am feeling more confident that I am who I am and I will not belittle myself into hiding from people. Take me as I am. Sometimes I am thin and most of the time I am fat, love me or leave me because my weight doesn't define who I am. I am proud that I know this now.

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